VirtualMin access problems

I was unable to access VirtualMin logging page since the Webmin logging page was shown when accessing through port 10000. So, the Webmin works fine, but VirtualMin doesn’t. I look for log errors in nano /var/webmin/miniserv.error and found following line : Perl module Authen::PAM needed for PAM is not installed : Can’t locate Authen/PAM$ BEGIN […]

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Install Webmin to CentOS 6.x

In this short tutorial I’m going to write a few lines required for correct installation of Webmin to CentOS 6.x. For more information about Webmin please visit : your editor (vi, nano or similar) open yum repository file : vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo and paste following code : [Webmin] name=Webmin Distribution Neutral #baseurl= mirrorlist= enabled=1 Go back […]

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Converting VMware image to VirtualBox

For this purpose I used following commands on my Ubuntu 11.04 machine : First you must install qemu : mickey@mickey:~$ sudo apt-get install qemu Then convert .vdmk to binary mickey@mickey:~$ qemu-img convert image.vmdk image.bin And finally convert it to to .vdi image : mickey@mickey:~$ VBoxManage convertdd image.bin image.vdi Happy coding!

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