How To Format A USB Flash Drive in Ubuntu (Linux)

Trying to format a USB drive in Ubuntu? So was I. The following instructions were the most helpful solution I could find.   Determine where your USB is mounted. Insert your USB Right-click the icon, properties, volume tab: take note of the mount point. It might be, for example, /media/USB Open a command prompt, type […]

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The best jazz is where you least expect it

[1. – 6. Nov 2011] 15. International Music Festival – Jazz Fest Sarajevo   Richard Bona Tuesday, 1st November @ 8:00 pm The Rosenberg Trio Tuesday, 1st November @ 10:15 pm Dave Holland & Pepe Habichuela Flamenco Quintet feat. Josemi Carmona Wednesday, 2nd November @ 8:00 pm Henderson/Berlin/Chambers Super Trio Wednesday, 2nd November @ 10:15 […]

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UTF8 without BOM

Printing a list of files with byte order mark (BOM) character in folder : grep -rl $’\xEF\xBB\xBF’ folderName   Removing BOM from file  : tail –bytes=+4  fileName.php > fileName.php   Or just insert in your .php code next line : //Set the encoding to UTF-8, so when reading files it ignores the BOM       mb_internal_encoding(‘UTF-8’); Happy coding:)

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Thinking out of the box

Employee “A” in a company walked up to his manager and asked what my job is for the day? *     The manager took “A” to the bank of a river and asked him to cross the river and reach the other side of the bank. *     “A” completed this task successfully and reported back to […]

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